Eye lid Surgery, Facelift, Necklift * Are You Able To IMAGINE!! This can be a 52 years old lady who given a request improving her countenance. Throughout the consulta… more Surgeon: Steven Lynch, MD |
Necklift * This 33-year-old female was unhappy with the look of her neck. Regardless of weight reduction elsewhere, el born area hasn’t responde… more Surgeon: Douglas Hargrave, MD |
Necklift * Patient went through facelift, necklift and liposuction of face. Note freshened and much more youthful appearance. Proven four several weeks publish-… more Surgeon: Steven Lynch, MD |
Necklift * This lady had sagging of her neck which bothered her. A necklift reduced the problem. Surgeon: Jeffrey Rockmore, MD |
Necklift * 55 year-old female instrested in increasing the neckline and wrinkling in her own face. Technique: Necklift, Small Facelift and Erbium R… more Surgeon: Douglas Hargrave, MD |
Necklift * Patient went through facelift, necklift and liposuction of face. Note dramatic alterations in the 3 areas. Proven four several weeks publish-op. Surgeon: Steven Lynch, MD |
Necklift * This patient happens to be unhappy using the way her neck seems. She felt that her neck appeared as if her mother’s neck, and h… more Surgeon: Jeffrey Rockmore, MD |
Resourse: https://theplasticsurgerygroup.internet/photo-gallery/
Neck Lift – Dr. Craig Jonov – Lynnwood, WA
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