WebMD’s pre and post pictures originate from trustworthy physicians and medical books using the full consent of every patient. Photographs haven’t been altered or enhanced by any means, except to crop these to fit our space or modesty. Each set shows exactly the same person. No physician can promise exactly the same results because plastic surgery creates a unique outcome for everybody.
IMAGES Supplied By:
(1) Stockbyte
(2-5) Thanks to Physician Steven Denenberg, facialsurgery.com
(6-7) “Color Atlas of Cosmetic Skin care” Marc R. Avram, Sandy Tsao, Zeina Tannous, Mathew M. Avram Copyright 2007 through the McGraw-Hill Companies, Corporation. All legal rights reserved.
(8) Thanks to Physician Geoffrey Leber, bevhillsdoc.com
(9) Thanks to Physician Thomas E. Youthful, youngmedicalspa.com
(10) Thanks to Physician Ryan Khosravi, aestheticprofessional.com
(11-12) Thanks to Physician Geoffrey Leber, bevhillsdoc.com
(13) Creatas
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Rebuilding Surgery
American Society for Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery
American Society of Cosmetic Surgeons
Worldwide Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
The Nemours Foundation
Resourse: https://webmd.com/beauty/ss/